Operating out of Africa the Global Entekhub connects hundreds of thousands of experts, talents, founders, entrepreneurs, corporations, institutions and organizations around the world, to solve Africa’s largest problems.
Organizations and individuals have access to the best community and an unrivaled network of corporate partners, professionals, investors, and mentors on Entekhub. Basic membership at the Entekhub Hub and its community hubs is free for everyone.
We believe that while people and ideas are equally distributed, opportunity and resources are not. That’s why we are committed to increasing access to resources and networking to help solve Africa’s problems.

We are developing “Digital Ecosystem” platforms to foster innovation and give value to current capabilities, as well as “vertical” platforms that accelerate and enable new business paradigm.

Where Your Business Meets Innovation
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- Date
- November 2, 2020
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● Industry 4.0
● Commercialization
● Digital Transformation- Client
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- Date
- November 2, 2020
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● Creativity
● Innovation
● Industry 4.0- Client
- Nulla imperdiet
- Date
- September 8, 2020
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● Entrepreneurship
● Creativity
● Innovation
Digital Ecosystems & Composable Solutions
Technology and Business are coming together, now more than ever, to transform, at every level, the way we live and work.
As we look forward, we need to think differently and build differently. Digital Transformation is gaining speed and momentum, thanks to the widespread availability of new technologies and the rise of a new global value: Data.
Building new Digital Ecosystems, composing solutions, from existing technologies and assets and from emerging ones, and designing them around core business needs, as quickly as possible.